Whole genome shotgun data used for the genome assembly of D. labrax: Roche454 data: SEABASS-454READS.UNMATED.fastq.gz -> 454 pyrosequencing data average readlength ~400bp, FASTQ with Phred+33 qual, clearrange (good qual part) is given in the header as "clr" SEABASS-454_20Kbp_MATES.sff.gz -> 454 pyrosequencing MATE data, ROCHE sff format Plasmid reads contain several libraries with insertsizes from 1-4kbp: SEABASS-PLASMID-SANGER.R1.fastq.gz -> SANGER plasmid reads, forward read, FASTQ with Phred+33 qual, clearrange (good qual part) is given in the header as "clr" SEABASS-PLASMID-SANGER.R2.fastq.gz -> SANGER plasmid reads, reverse read, FASTQ with Phred+33 qual, clearrange (good qual part) is given in the header as "clr" SEABASS-PLASMID-SANGER.UNMATED.fastq.gz -> SANGER plasmid reads, single side seqs, FASTQ with Phred+33 qual, clearrange (good qual part) is given in the header as "clr" Illumina data: DLA_1000-FOR.fq.uniqPE.gz -> quality clipped and deduplicated Illumina GAIIx reads, FASTQ with Phred+64 qual, insert size ~1000bp READ1 DLA_1000-REV.fq.uniqPE.gz -> quality clipped and deduplicated Illumina GAIIx reads, FASTQ with Phred+64 qual, insert size ~1000bp READ2 DLA_300-FOR.fq.uniqPE.gz -> quality clipped and deduplicated Illumina GAIIx reads, FASTQ with Phred+64 qual, insert size ~500bp READ1 DLA_300-REV.fq.uniqPE.gz -> quality clipped and deduplicated Illumina GAIIx reads, FASTQ with Phred+64 qual, insert size ~500bp READ2 DLA_500-FOR.fq.uniqPE.gz -> quality clipped and deduplicated Illumina GAIIx reads, FASTQ with Phred+64 qual, insert size ~300bp READ1 DLA_500-REV.fq.uniqPE.gz -> quality clipped and deduplicated Illumina GAIIx reads, FASTQ with Phred+64 qual, insert size ~300bp READ2 PAIRED BAC end sequencing reads in one file(not accurately sorted by pairs!): SEABASS-BAC-ES-150Kbp.fna.gz -> FASTA file with newbler compatible headers, forward read is marked by "fb150", reverse reads by "rb150" SEABASS-BAC-ES-150Kbp.qual.gz -> Corresponding base qualities